The Ebay assginment is mostly a waste of my time and energy because at 1st they want you to give up all this information so that you feel safe and so that people can know who you are and what you are doing. After doing all of this you look and find what intersets you or what are you willing to pay for. I started to look at some of the prices and they where better then most malls and even outlits. My experiences with ebay are just a little intense it takes for to wait. Mostly waiting for someone to reply back to the bid you made. I had alot of bid offereces but never took any of them because i started to feel lucky. When looking for an item i noticed that I went straight to most popular things. To me it felt good knowing that what I said counted for something to feel like your opinion matter. This game I started to bid on was called an x box360 and it was very compain that everyone wanted one. This gameto had all of the lastest video games for this system and can be an online chatting with friends and loved ones that you play with. So i started to bid the last bid started at $350.00 to $560.00. Looked at all the people who have taken time out in what every they do and sit on the computer and just look for stuff . I realized that most of these people have became addicted to the computer and the games and stuff. This to me seem more as a drug.
I did alot of thinking during the proccess this eperiment. I have realized that coorparte messages have effected most people in a bad way. We have became more relitient on the needs of other items and its sad that world has come to look like this. We buy off or needs to talk about whats important to us or hide or emotions into any activity that we are doing. Its like when u pick up a pen or pencil and you sit down to do your homework some of the kids can't foucus. They turn to other things because they feel like its better to do other things then just doing their homework. As another thought or point, is more or less that everyone has one so i have to get one to. Its alot of idea of feeling accepted by other people because maybe as a child something has happen to a person. This can cause alot of problems because it can be used as a cover up.
But to put the blame on anyone else it should be cooprate messages and how they use everyone now then more before to show us the best way to live your life. Most of America who uses ebay buys most of the stuff to still feel accepted in the world. They make more then enough money off of us. We always clame that alot of people dont get enough money to make a good living for yourself. But maybe its not the money that is the problems its the STUFF we buy with the money. America always wants to point the finger but sites like ebay dont help people get better with buying more stuff. They get better by starting small and working their way up to the top.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Friday, December 5, 2008
Corporate Messages
To be completely honest about this topic, my answers can go both ways i have realized that yes media has a way of getting our attention but so what!!!!!! We as people don't have to watch it and yes their is the other side that this is so much bullshit and they are trying to send us messages in the world today that we know we really don't need and don't want. So why are we wasting time answering this question.
When I first get home my television shows like, gossip girl, One tree hill, and The hills and all the fame and money that they have makes me want it too. These are the things i run to because they entertain me and keep me wanting to know more about people's lives.
Other views for example is my grandparents talk about what goes on in the world and most people live in fear because of what the gov. talks about and warn me that there are crazy people and I should be at home at a certain time.
My views of the corporate messages of one of the greatest fashion shows of all time, the Victoria Secret, portrays a message that not to eat little or lose a lot of weight but to have a lot of confidence in what ever it is that makes you happy. I believe this because most models talk about the struggles and the hardships of being a model. But that is what makes them strong at doing what they do! Sometimes having this big dream makes people question what they do
Another example would be Oprah, she has alot of fame and glory but it doesn't mean she is still the same person who came from the same places that most people come from. Money doesn't change a persons feelings it helps those feelings of charity benefits and fundraisers help them in need. Not only is it with models but also with singer and writers for books, yes they have a lot of pressure to live up to. Still they love what they do so, is portrays that working hard helps you achieve your goals.
When I first get home my television shows like, gossip girl, One tree hill, and The hills and all the fame and money that they have makes me want it too. These are the things i run to because they entertain me and keep me wanting to know more about people's lives.
Other views for example is my grandparents talk about what goes on in the world and most people live in fear because of what the gov. talks about and warn me that there are crazy people and I should be at home at a certain time.
My views of the corporate messages of one of the greatest fashion shows of all time, the Victoria Secret, portrays a message that not to eat little or lose a lot of weight but to have a lot of confidence in what ever it is that makes you happy. I believe this because most models talk about the struggles and the hardships of being a model. But that is what makes them strong at doing what they do! Sometimes having this big dream makes people question what they do
Another example would be Oprah, she has alot of fame and glory but it doesn't mean she is still the same person who came from the same places that most people come from. Money doesn't change a persons feelings it helps those feelings of charity benefits and fundraisers help them in need. Not only is it with models but also with singer and writers for books, yes they have a lot of pressure to live up to. Still they love what they do so, is portrays that working hard helps you achieve your goals.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
The Wal-Mart crisis and BLACK FRIDAY!

My analysis of what people do after the hoildays is how the really feel upset and actually have the will power to take all this energy to shop for sales. The feeling of finding a sale is like the analysis of following the yellow brick road, you think your being different from everyone else choosing green but being different is like being the same like everyone else to shop for the sales and the people that save their money and shop in the stores like normal people. It gives you a sense of pride that you have shopped with out spending all this money but in reality u spend more money then you was suppose to spend. The cheap filling to other people brings back memories as a child and hit hurt some people to shop at those outlites. The feelings and emotions of someone and something is caused by the childhood or a moment in someones life where it effected them for a longtime.
The Wal-Mart Crisis
This feeling of someone being trampled over, or abused or hurt by anyway is harsh to deal with. With the feeling of a friend or loved one gone is something that hurts to emotions in some type of way. I think that this man should of been there with cops or some type of higer power there. This just shows how people really are at heart if it doesnt consinder them or anything. American people are suppose to be gratefull of how they have all these oppertunties of America. I feel that we spoil our selfs with stuff we dont need and thats why we are so cought up on ourselfs and not helping others. Peoples pirorties are all over the place i think depending on who you are it depends. I can'tjudge someone or something that i dont know, but based on the actions the people did nothing but run to find stuff that they want but dont need.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Thanksgiving to Me:
Thanksgiving this year was really upsetting to me. With me having alot of stress and problems in my life i try to take things one day at a time. Thanksgiving this made up hoilday that people are suppose to come together and be happy/ grateful for what they have. For many years i have celebrate this holiday and tried to understanding the meaning of the hoilday.
My family to me isnt family because it doesnt fit this idealic family. With the father and mother married and the kids and the dog. I used to be ashamed to say my mother was a single parent and had three kids and no husband. Learning how to deal with the past and putting everything like the mistakes and the past history behind you. Is what makes you feel great about yourself. So why should that all be sad at thanksgiving just happy for family. The difference between the two is knowing that one doesn't connected to other. Trying to figure out how to deal with not living up to the rules of Thanksgiving Traditions of how your family is different. This thanksgiving my mother was in a car acident and then was in a coma. It was vey hard to tell my brother and sister that this would be very differnt for the rest of year. Now that she is out, I have alot of responsiblites on me that are very important to me.
So after all this, that has happened do i stop being thankful that im not dead she is not dead. That things could have deffinatly have been worse and so i tried to have a little faith because after all that is what the hoildays are about right! Forgiving thoughs who do wrong to us, giving to others and showing that we care, being loyal to friends and loved ones. I have tried to not have gulit taken over and let me be parallizAed and brake me down. So living life and doing the best i can is all that i can give to others like my teachers, my friends and of coursed loved ones.
My family to me isnt family because it doesnt fit this idealic family. With the father and mother married and the kids and the dog. I used to be ashamed to say my mother was a single parent and had three kids and no husband. Learning how to deal with the past and putting everything like the mistakes and the past history behind you. Is what makes you feel great about yourself. So why should that all be sad at thanksgiving just happy for family. The difference between the two is knowing that one doesn't connected to other. Trying to figure out how to deal with not living up to the rules of Thanksgiving Traditions of how your family is different. This thanksgiving my mother was in a car acident and then was in a coma. It was vey hard to tell my brother and sister that this would be very differnt for the rest of year. Now that she is out, I have alot of responsiblites on me that are very important to me.
So after all this, that has happened do i stop being thankful that im not dead she is not dead. That things could have deffinatly have been worse and so i tried to have a little faith because after all that is what the hoildays are about right! Forgiving thoughs who do wrong to us, giving to others and showing that we care, being loyal to friends and loved ones. I have tried to not have gulit taken over and let me be parallizAed and brake me down. So living life and doing the best i can is all that i can give to others like my teachers, my friends and of coursed loved ones.
The Elections
The veiws of the election really dont have any effect on me in any way. Yes the president is black or African American. I should be proud of him because he repersent the United States of America and I am an American! But to be a certain age (16 years old) and dont have any say on what goes on in America. Yes, I know my history and how people fought for women to have right to vote. But for some reason i dont care, that man in the white house doesnt help me finsh school or help me when my mother needs money. Doesnt mean that the world is suppose to stop moving around or doing our things normally things that we do everyday.
I think that our country needs to wake up from this "American Dream" of how the world is all together and has this new president to make all this bad things go away. Just puttin alot of pressure dosent help a man it brakes a man. This new president of the United states doesn't help learn who i am, or help me in anyway.
I think that our country needs to wake up from this "American Dream" of how the world is all together and has this new president to make all this bad things go away. Just puttin alot of pressure dosent help a man it brakes a man. This new president of the United states doesn't help learn who i am, or help me in anyway.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
The Firt Draft of people's veiws of a good and meaningful life!
The way other people live. How do we explain that, i don't live with him or her. If anything anwering this question is very diffulcult. I took the time out to ask people form different places around my school and ask them what do they do in there spare time?, What do you do for a living and Who are you going to vote for and why? Manly I have gotten the door man, Cronstruction works(2), Lady in the pizza shop, Duane Read impolyee. Each time i ask these question the same answer was responed. The answer was constant, Family, Friends and most important finding the right person to make life more meaningful.
I realized that YOU! Yourself come from people, thinking that this world is new and everyone and everything in it can either make you susecced in life or make you poor. When growing up every family is different, so why are all our vaules the same.
As for me, all I know is that I know nothing.
I realized that YOU! Yourself come from people, thinking that this world is new and everyone and everything in it can either make you susecced in life or make you poor. When growing up every family is different, so why are all our vaules the same.
As for me, all I know is that I know nothing.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Assingment #3
Paris Oliver
October 10, 2008
Americans, always say that money, and family and friends are everything. How do we know when were right or wrong. What is the word mean? Do we use it to make an expression of some type of feeling that cannot be expressed? The assignment that was asking from a teacher was: What do the people around you say about living meaningfully? The 1st time I ask that question to my mother and the response I got was “her children, her family and basically her being able to live without her mother.” That’s when I realized that this American Dream that everyone should have a family and the white picket fence is just and idea that people have.
So how do expect people to give me more detail on their life and their meaning of life? By asking more question, for example what is love? What are the most important aspects of your life? What is wisdom? What if some of those aspects of you life where missing would you be their? Trying to get the people to give you more information was extremely hard. The secound time I came with more questions as to what to say and how to say it.
October 10, 2008
Americans, always say that money, and family and friends are everything. How do we know when were right or wrong. What is the word mean? Do we use it to make an expression of some type of feeling that cannot be expressed? The assignment that was asking from a teacher was: What do the people around you say about living meaningfully? The 1st time I ask that question to my mother and the response I got was “her children, her family and basically her being able to live without her mother.” That’s when I realized that this American Dream that everyone should have a family and the white picket fence is just and idea that people have.
So how do expect people to give me more detail on their life and their meaning of life? By asking more question, for example what is love? What are the most important aspects of your life? What is wisdom? What if some of those aspects of you life where missing would you be their? Trying to get the people to give you more information was extremely hard. The secound time I came with more questions as to what to say and how to say it.
Monday, September 15, 2008
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